Daisy's Sustainable Practices | Daisy Pool Covers

Daisy's Sustainable Practices

Daisy's Sustainable Practices

Daisy Pool Covers managing director, Derek Prince, recently had the chance to catch up with Katie Livingston, editor of Melbourne Pool + Outdoor Design magazine to chat about all things eco. 

It’s a topic that’s of the utmost importance to us here at Daisy. Environmental-consciousness goes to the core of our product line, which is designed specifically to help our customers save on water, chemicals and energy requirements. Our solar covers themselves are made with at least 30% post-industrial content in them.

Of course, it doesn’t stop there. During the interview, Derek discussed how we continue to stay at the forefront of sustainability within the pool industry by making constant improvements. As an example, he mentioned how Daisy has started a new recycling program in WA which allows end-of-life pool covers to be recycled into other products. You can find out more about the recycling program here.

For more information about Daisy’s eco efforts, contact your area manager or Daisy HQ [email protected]

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I’d like to thank you very much

Dear Shannon and Brett,

My replacement pool cover arrived today and it fits my pool perfectly. I’d like to thank you very much for promptly addressing my issues and going to so much trouble to ensure that the replacement was the perfect fit. I particularly appreciate that you did this at such a busy time of year. I acknowledge that the circumstances behind the first cover not fitting were strange, and I was impressed that despite that, Daisy Pool Covers didn’t hesitate to take the issue on board and ensure that I am now a very satisfied customer.

All the best for 2019.


Murrumbateman, NSW Customer

Committed to Quality

Daisy Pool Covers only offer energy and water efficient products so our customers can enjoy their pools for longer.

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