Daisy Dam Covers | Daisy Pool Covers
Daisy Dam Covers

Dam Covers

Daisy Dam Covers protects your water resource

With the specially formulated white top for reflection and opaque black underside, the Daisy Dam Covers stop evaporation by 99.98%^ and light entering the dam where the covers are in place, reducing algae and saving water.

Daisy Dam Covers are also great for use on water tanks. They can reduce algae and clear slime out of water tanks. The total sunblock out of the Daisy Dam Cover material means that you will not only stop evaporation but also reduce (or even stop in some cases) the growth of algae. Generally, Daisy recommends using the Dam Cover across most of the dam surface area and letting it float around, not covering all of the dam so that water can still flow in without flooding the cover, debris inflow is uninhibited, livestock can still access the water as well as allowing rain to drain off the cover and into the dam.

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Evaporation Loss

7-10mm daily

Average daily evaporation loss per square meter

Up to 2.8 million dams, that equates to 29,400 megalitres daily. (29.4 billion litres)

Average total daily evaporation loss using 7mm and 30m x 50m dam size

Evaporation loss evaporation loss
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Benefits of a Dam Cover

Stops evaporation
Stop algae growth
Made to size
Easy to install
Wind-skirting prevents lifting from the wind
Total sunblock
Livestock can still access water with covers in use
Floating covers allow water to flow in
Save water
Australian made
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Case study
Trial at Dulwich and then further 3 covers procured

Tasked with reducing construction water by >15%, MELconnx reached out to Daisy to make a bespoke cover for Turkey’s nests as no suitable solution existed on the market. Success in the low cost, rapidly deployable and highly effective solution provided, resulted in a further 3 covers procured by MELconnx.

Saves 5,923,873L for 4,182m2 dam coverage

Download the Daisy Dam Cover Information Pack
Stops 99.98% evaporation
Improves water quality reduces algae
Case study water savings Case study water savings
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Daisy Dam Covers are suitable for...

Farmers, Agricultural & Grower Groups, agricultural workers
Water management decision makers
Mining decision makers
Local Shires & Government
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Dam covers information pack

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Information Pack

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Dam Covers FAQs

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