Credentials | Daisy Pool Covers


Our credentials back our performance

Proven Reliability & Accountability

Years of research and experience has been the foundation of our market leadership in Australia. This is supported by our accreditations and awards, and recognised by our clients.

Our Accreditations

  • PASCAA (Pool and Spa Cover Association of Australia), founding member

  • Smart Approved Watermarked products and member

  • LIWA (Leisure Institute of Western Australia) member

  • SPASA (Swimming Pool and Spa Association) member

  • SPASA Climate Care Certified

  • SPASA NSW Most Innovative Product Award – UltraDome™

  • Participation in ongoing traineeships.

  • Bronze Award at the Packaging Innovation and Design Awards for 2020 – Design Innovation of the Year “Outside of the Box”

  • Finalist at the Packaging Innovation and Design Awards for 2020 – Domestic & Household

Green inflatable

Lovely bloke, really genuine

After requesting a slightly bigger pool cover, the customer’s newly installed cover blew off due to the pool being quite full.

So Chris went back out and trimmed the edges a bit for them. Craig, the customer, then called us up to say that Chris did a very good job, and he is a “lovely bloke, really genuine.”

Great work Chris!


Warnbro WA

Committed to Quality

Daisy Pool Covers only offer energy and water efficient products so our customers can enjoy their pools for longer.

SPASA Australia Daisy Quality Smart Approved Watermark PASCAA Climate Care Certificate