New Roller Colours Making a Hit!
Our team continues to impress with their latest installs. We’ve seen some great examples recently of our Daisy Experts finding creative solutions to suit pools of all shapes and sizes, and we’ve been excited to see rollers in our new colour options installed in pool areas around the country. Our customers have loved how the latest additions to our range have added a sleek and modern look to their pools. Daisy is stocked up on all products and ready for the season, allowing you to give a variety of different options to your customers.
Take a look at some of our latest installs below.
Black A75, Warnbro
This customer was thrilled to have new colour options to choose from for their new home in Warnbro, Western Australia. A simple way to add a contemporary look to this pool area.
New Black ST Range, Mt Eliza
Recently, we worked on a cover for a pool in Mt Eliza, Victoria. The client requested one of our new black ST Pool Rollers with a 525B Solar Pool Cover for a standard rectangular pool. The black roller is a perfect addition to this sleek, modern backyard.
New Grey MKII, Leeming
Check out these photos of a new Grey MKII in Leeming, WA. We love how it looks and the customer was thrilled with the outcome.