Product Guides & Information
Does a pool cleaner work under a Daisy Pool Cover?
Here at Daisy Pool Covers, we get asked a lot of different, even strange, questions from time to time. From ‘what way up does the pool cover go?’ (bubble side to the water if you were wondering) to ‘does a pool cover stop ducks?’ (yes by the way) and ‘does the pool cleaner work under a Daisy pool cover?’
Well, yes, the whole pool works as normal with the pool cover installed. The pool cover will not hinder the operation of a pool cleaner whether it’s a suction cleaner or robot style. Their hoses lay pretty well under the water so the cleaner can operate as if the cover was not installed.
If there is a problem with a cleaner working under the cover then there will be an external problem that the pool cover has identified for you (like a suction cleaner that will work without a cover installed but won't move when the cover is on. This normally indicates a leak in the hose).
This, along with many other questions are answered in our FAQ section of the website.
As always, Daisy is here to help. Got a question? Ask us at: [email protected]